How One Father and Naturopathic Doctor Uses His Ally

How Ally fits into my life as a Naturopathic Doctor & Cannabis Educator

-Dr. Shawn Meirovci N.D.

Cannabis has brought a positive change into both my life and those of my patients. Approximately 6 years ago, I noticed many of my patients were using cannabis as part of their pain management and sleep routines. I had long suffered from both initiation insomnia (getting to sleep) and maintenance insomnia (staying asleep). My sleep issues had been well controlled with the use of melatonin until I started getting vivid dreams that would wake me up and concern my wife. Seeing how cannabis had helped many of my patients with their sleep issues, I decided to apply for a medical marijuana license (which was the only way to get legal cannabis at the time). Within a week of taking a low-dose balanced cannabis oil, I was sleeping soundly without the need for any other medicines or supplements. I was canna-converted!                   

I started to become heavily invested in cannabis as a natural therapeutic option for many of my patients common concerns, including: Sleep, Pain, Spasms, Depression and Anxiety. I quickly gained a reputation among my peers as “the cannabis expert”, and now provide cannabis education and guidance to my patients and students across several colleges in Ontario. 

Over the last year, I have been accumulating various cannabis products (at home), which became a bit of a concern since I have two young children. While most of the legal cannabis products on the market have child safety locking mechanisms built in, I wanted some extra security from my very curious youngsters.

Ally was recommended to me by a friend so I decided to try it out. When it arrived, I was pleasantly surprised by the storage capacity, the environmentally friendly materials (all food grade and no plasticizers), and the unique storage options (like being able to store it in the refrigerator for edibles and beverages). The three number code lock is also a great mechanism, as keys always get misplaced in my house and having to remember a simple code makes it easy to use yet still difficult to decode.                       

Part of my job as a cannabis educator is to ensure the safety of my patients and their families. Ally provides me with a secure option that falls in line perfectly with my background as a naturopathic doctor. My hope for the future is to help as many people as I can to use cannabis effectively and responsibly.      

Dr. Shawn Meirovici N.D. has been a pioneering force behind the naturopathic treatment of disabling  neurological conditions such as: Traumatic Brain Injury, Spinal Cord Injury, Multiple Sclerosis and Stroke. His primary practice operates out of “Physio-Logic”, Toronto’s premiere neurological  rehabilitation clinic. In 2012 Shawn was awarded the title: “Best Naturopathic Doctor in Canada” by the web-based group

Dr. Shawn is one of the first Naturopathic Doctors to educate patients on using Medical Cannabis and acquiring an access to cannabis for medical purposes license. Shawn continues to be an authority on the subject of medical cannabis and is frequently asked to lecture on the topic and contribute to cannabis focused publications.


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